I am not totally sure this is the best course of action, but I find myself working on many different fronts at once. Let me explain what I am doing and where I am at on each one and perhaps I can explain why I have done such a thing!
(1) Code Academy - I am working though Python mostly to prepare for the Computer Programming Course I am taking in the fall. I also stubbornly refuse to give up on my daily streak which is now up to 16. I continue to love Code Academy as an introductory tool, but feel that you will always have to go to different and varied sources to advance.
(2) Chris Pine's Learning to Program (Ruby)- This is my priority. I am trying to finish going through the book. I am currently on chapter 10 (of 14) and am feeling pretty unsure about the content right now, but I will finish it up and revisit these ideas in different forms and resources when I finish the book. I may also work through the book again when I finish at some point.
(3) My text game - Because I have read over and over again that in order to make it stick you have to do it, I have begun work on my text game. I am writing my own methods and creating my arrays and encountering my own problems. The real problems you encounter when coding are so much more interesting and seem so much more practical than some of the designed exercises. I have learned from Pine's book that sometimes you need to work out the solution "in English" before thinking in the program language and working on my game has helped me in this regard. As I finish more of the game, I will post versions of it here, hopefully today or tomorrow!
Total hours into Programming: 47 (2 yesterday)
My Text game: 1 hour, 51 lines
Chris Pine's Learn to Program (Finished with Chapter 9 of 14)
Progress on Hartl's Tutorial Ready to start Chapter 3!
Code Academy Points: 502
Code Academy Badges: 56
Code Academy Skills Finished: 2 (Make a Website, Ruby)
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