Monday, August 3, 2015

Toy_app Done!

I finished chapter 2 of Hartl's book which is a great feeling!  Everything worked and I even had the chance to correct a few mistakes.  I also learned from a few different Stack Overflow questions and am really beginning to feel like I could perhaps do this unguided one day.  Whereas I was feeling pretty defeated a couple days ago, making slow and steady progress through the Ruby on Rails tutorial book has been rewarding.

That said, chapter 3 is really where it begins.  The earlier chapters essentially say that you will not pick much up in terms of deep understanding jut by doing them, but they do give you some momentum.  I am also getting more and more comfortable with git, bitbucket, and heroku.  I even got my app to display and work on an actual browser!

Python has gotten a little more sticky, but I have made it to around 40% through that Code Academy tutorial.  I have gotten to the dictionary portion of the tutorials and am trying to work through how to print the key with the values from two separate dictionaries in one output.

I also notices that I have made it over 40 hours on this journey so far.  Going from no knowledge at all to a decent foundation in basics in Ruby and Python as well as a solid foundation in Ruby on Rails is a pretty good start.  While I love the idea of working as a programmer, coder, or developer I am not relentlessly and desperately pushing for that at this point.  First things first, I want to be literate enough to code some of my own small programs.

Total hours into Programming: 41 (6 today)
Progress on Hartl's Tutorial Ready to start Chapter 3! 
Code Academy Points: 447
Code Academy Badges: 50
Code Academy Skills Finished: 2 (Make a Website, Ruby)


  1. Thanks so much for your insight! I myself am a newbie at Ruby and Codecademy so it's awesome to see your progress! In addition to codecademy, what other resources did you use to supplement your understand of Ruby? I am almost halfway through the course and already know i am going to have to review and learn more elsewhere :-) thanks! Lexi

  2. So far I have finished with the Ruby course in Code Academy and it has basically allowed me to gain some recognition of the commands, but I don't feel very confident about actually doing much in Ruby. Loosely following Josh Kemp's program I have also ordered Chris Pine's Learning to Program Second Edition ($15 Amazon) which seems pretty beginner friendly. I am also pondering using some of the other self-training sites like Code School or TreeHouse to add to my knowledge although I kind of feel like the money might be better spent buying another book to work through. I will post here on my experiences with Pine's book as I work through it. Thanks for reading and good luck!
