Friday, July 31, 2015

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Day 1

After a very confusing intro to Ruby on Rails via Code Academy (where I somehow managed to "complete" 24% of the lesson), I was not feeling so confident about apps, Ruby on Rails, or much of anything really.  Tonight, I started Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails tutorial book which seems to be a real standard in learning the ropes of Rails.  I spent about 2 hours with it so far and have completed 1-1.4.1.  This doesn't seem like much and at the end of the day it is a very small chunk of the tutorial, but I am trying to take my time and really learn it.

So, how is it for the complete newb?  I like it a lot, actually.  I am actually working in an Integrated Development Environment, and it is really explaining in detail what is going on at every stage.  I was introduced to Cloud 9, Git, and Bitbucket today and I have a pretty solid concept of what version control is and why programmers do it.  Hartl does a nice job of explaining what is pertinent to the new coder without speaking a different language I would never understand.  I was also really happy to recognize some of the formats I had learned from the Ruby Code Academy tutorial and understood what was going on when instructed to place a method within the controller.  I also now have a clue what a gem is and understand what is happening on some basic level when rails designs the framework for your new app.  So far, I really love it!

I also worked through a few lessons on Python this morning which were much easier and faster than my early Ruby lessons.  I am enjoying the learning process and have actually had a few moments today where I knew what to do without making many, many mistakes and having to scratch my head in frustration.  Good day!

Total hours into Programming: 30 (4 today)
Progress on Hartl's Tutorial 1.4.1
Code Academy Points: 368
Code Academy Badges: 43
Code Academy Skills Finished: 2 (Make a Website, Ruby)

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